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International Hapkido Federation(World Headquarters)P.O. Box 281, Grand Blanc, MI 48480, USA Telephone: (810) 232-6482 |
Name:(Last)___________________________ First:___________________ M Initial:_____
Address(Street):____________________________________ City:____________________
State:_________ Zip Code:____________________ Country:________________________
Date Of Birth: Month_____ Day______ Year_________ Phone: (_______)______________
Your Present Rank:____________ Date Of Rank: Month______ Day_____ Year:_________
The IHF ETP (External Testing Program), is open to IHF 1st Gups and Black Belts.
In order for you to advance in rank within the ETP you must be a registered
IHF member in good standing and not live with in fifty miles of a registered
IHF school You must also meet all IHF Time-In-Rank requirements. To
enroll in the Program, submit the following at this time:
Once admitted to the ETP you shall receive a list of the requirements you are to perform by video and essay, in order to advanced to your next rank. Submit the requirements when you are ready to test. The Testing Fee will be listed with the promotion requirements. All fees are non-refundable. Fees must be in U.S. Currency, in the form of a money order made payable to ITA Institute. Mail all materials to:
- ETP Admission Fee: $75.00 (Countries other than U.S. add $30.00)
- Completed IHF ETP (External Testing Program) Application.
- A Photocopy of your current Certificate of Rank.
- IHF Application For Membership & Fee (if not a IHF member).