Watch in awe as International Hapkido Federation (IHF) President and Founder, Grandmaster James S. Benko, 9th Degree Black Belt,
personally demonstrates Hapkido defenses against an opponent armed with a kal (knife).
This presentation features: Controlling the weapon, Disarming an opponent, and
Immobilizing an opponent. Learn how to use the minimum amount of force to control an opponent armed with a knife. Grandmaster Benko includes some no nonsense
defenses he taught to other Green Berets while in Viet Nam.
Learn how to quickly dispatch an armed opponent. Views of techniques are shown close up and from
different angles. If you thought you knew how to defend against real knife attacks, think again! This presentation is a MUST for any Martial Arts or Self-Defense
or Military Instructor teaching defenses against knife attacks.
Close-ups are used to help you gain a clearer understanding
of the proper execution and application of each movement.
Topics Featured:
Introduction by I.H.F. President and Founder, Grandmaster James S. Benko.
Defenses Against A Straight Thrust.
Defenses Against An Inward Slash.
Defenses Against A Downward Stab.
Defenses Against An Outward Slash.
Defenses Whilte Sitting.
Order Number:
Run Time Approx.:
60 Min.